Salvation Army - Shelbyville


Phone: (317) 398-7421


Mission: The Shelbyville Salvation Army provides basic life resources that create self-sufficient and spiritually-centered individuals in Shelby County, Indiana.

Food Pantry: Monday & Friday: 1pm-3:30pm (Once every two weeks)

Hot Meal Site: Monday-Friday: 11:30am-12:30pm; Saturday 11:30am-12:15pm (meet in Alley); Sunday: Noon

Volunteer Desired Skill Sets: Handyman

Available Volunteer Opportunities/Positions: Food pantry help, daily feeding (breakfast and lunch), bell ringers, janitorial

Major Events: Christmas Store walk-through

Age Restriction: Must be 16+ years of age to assist with this program.

Location: 136 E Washington St, Shelbyville, IN 46176